
Montauk Community Church has initiated diverse and rich programs focused on the special needs of our small and unique community and based on the Presbyterian heritage.

Included are our:

  • Programs for Children and Youth
  • Spanish Language Ministry
  • Cuba Mission


“Let the little children come to me…for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of God belongs.”

~ Jesus in Mark 10:14 ~

At Montauk Community Church, children and youth are believed to be as much a part of the present church as they are its future. They are fully welcomed into our worship, ministry, mission, and common life. We have a variety of children/youth programs which provide a safe, welcoming environment for them to grow in the faith and be part of the work of God’s healing love in our world.

Sunday School:

Grades pre-K through 1st and grades 7-9. Meets during the worship hour, September through May. Middle grades worship with the congregation.

Monday School:

Grades 2 through 6. Meets Monday afternoons from 3:15-4:00pm, September through May. Children can be bused directly from the Montauk School to the church.


Periodic fellowship, ministry, educational, and mission events and trips through the year.Worship with the congregation on Sundays.


Grade 7 -12. Eleven-week confirmation class meets every two years for youth wishing to explore formally joining the church. Baptism included for those not previously baptized.


Each Sunday over two dozen children are fed breakfast before worship at our partner church in Guines, Cuba. These are meals many of the kids might not otherwise eat that day due to limited resources at home. Your generosity helps provide these meals.

Every day over 300 local residents and church members are provided clean, purified drinking water for their homes by the church in Guines. This is a community which cannot guarantee clean drinking water. Your generosity helps power the church’s water purification system which prevents illness for our neighbors in Guines.For over 25 Years MCC has partnered with our Cuban sisters and brothers in Christ to bridge divides and live the gospel of Jesus Christ in Montauk and Guines.

Our Friends in Guinas have a website. Please visit them at

Montauk-Cuba Connection

Despite the lack of diplomatic relationships between the United States and Cuba, the Presbyterian churches in the US and Cuba have historically maintained a close relationship. At the time of the Cuban revolution in 1959, Cuba was part of the Synod of New Jersey, but in 1967 the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba (IPRC) was established as an autonomous denomination. A Mutual Mission Agreement adopted by the General Assemblies of both the US and Cuba celebrates the unity of Christ, a common Reformed tradition, and the sharing in “one Lord, one faith, and one baptism.”

The Presbytery of Long Island and the Presbytery of Cuba have maintained a connection over these years. The Montauk Community Church partnered with a church in Guines, an agricultural town just south of Havana. Members of the Guines church have visited Montauk many times over the past 10 years, and members of the Montauk Community Church have traveled to Cuba.

Some of the mission projects include: providing tuition/room & board for seminary students; leadership training; and a second floor addition to Christian Education building in Guines.