We are a community of faith who seek to hear God’s word. Affiliated with the Presbyterian Church USA, but welcoming to Christians of all traditions, we are a true community church that reaches out to the whole Montauk Community. As the only Protestant church in this small town at the end of Long Island we are comprised of members from many traditions, and welcome all to our worship services, youth programs, events, and to share in our mission work.

Rev. Bill Hoffmann
Music Director
Lydia Shaternik Burns
Church Secretary
Susan McDonough
Church Sexton
Igor Solano
Deacons are responsible for the care of members– e.g. hospitality, ushers, alter flowers, coffee hour and potluck lunches, host funerals and memorial services, keep in touch with children on the cradle roll, send birthday and get-well cards, and do in-home visits with shut-ins. Deacons care for the needs of the community and have offer valuable assistance to people going through difficult times. The Board is made up of 9 Ordained Deacons, elected by the congregation at its annual meeting, who serve 3 year terms. Like Elders, Deacons are required to rotate of the board for at least one year after serving tow terms.
Class of 2023 Donna Etzel (1) Fran Haak (1) Vacant Seat | Class of 2024 Chris Herbert (1) Igor Solano (2) Vacant Seat | Class of 2025 Vicky Mendelson (2) Linda Norris (1) Daz Winter (1) |
We are governed by nine ordained Ruling Elders who are chosen from and by the entire congregation. The minister serves as the Moderator. Governance and authority over church matters resides with these elected leaders. Elders serve a three-year term and are required to rotate of Session for at least one year after serving two terms. Session meets once a month with the possibility of special meetings being called to address an issue with an immediate concern or need. Besides leading and coordinating the work of the committees, Elders are responsible for determining Communion dates, approving baptisms, weddings, membership changes, and special services.
Class of 2023 Deb Coen (1) Iris Mitchell (2) Daz Winter (1) | Class of 2024 Chip Duryea (1) Susan Raymond (2) Vacant Seat | Class of 2025 Evan Harrel (1) Chris Herbert (2) Vacant Seat |
Greetings from the Montauk Community Church, a small, vibrant community of faith on the beautiful east end of Long Island. Though rooted in, and organized around, the Presbyterian tradition, we have embraced an ecumenical vision since our founding in 1928. Our members come from a rich diversity of religious backgrounds, yet we remain centered in a common desire to experience and share the love in God in Jesus Christ in relationship with one another and the world around us.
When we include “Community” in our name, we do so with both an inward and outward orientation. We strive to be a caring congregation which celebrates together during times of joy and stands with one another in the midst of struggle. We seek to embody Jesus’ exhortation to love one another as we have first been loved. But from our beginnings, our focus has also looked beyond our own doors. We are a church for the whole Montauk community, seeking to be a positive and grace-filled presence among our neighbors and in partnership with the other faith communities of Montauk.
So, whether you are new in town and looking for a church to call home or are just visiting for a short while and are interested in a welcoming place to worship, we invite you to join us on Sunday morning. We worship at 10:00am and enjoy a wonderful time of refreshments and fellowship afterward. We love to have children in our midst and we provide opportunities for their faith to be nurtured each Sunday.
There are a host of other activities taking place each week at the church, including our famous Saturday Rummage Sale, the annual Christmas Fair, community Blood Drives, hosting a Spanish language congregation, and numerous local groups such as English and Spanish language AA, Al Anon, PTA, and others. I invite you to look through our website for more detailed information. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like more information about Montauk Community Church.
I am glad you found your way to our website. Should you find your way to our doors, know that you will be met with open arms. I hope to see you in worship with us soon.
God’s peace,
Bill Hoffmann – Pastor