Who Are We?

We are a community of faith who seek to hear God’s word. Affiliated with the Presbyterian Church USA, but welcoming to Christians of all traditions, we are a true community church that reaches out to the whole Montauk Community. As the only Protestant church in this small town at the end of Long Island we are comprised of members from many traditions, and welcome all to our worship services, youth programs, events, and to share in our mission work.
Where Are We?
Located at the end of Long Island in the seaside community of Montauk, New York, the Montauk Community Church has been reaching out to all members of the community with God’s message of love and redemption since 1928.
Who Are We?
We are a community of faith who seek to hear God’s word. Affiliated with the Presbyterian Church USA, but welcoming to Christians of all traditions, we are a true community church that reaches out to the whole Montauk Community. As the only Protestant church in this small town at the end of Long Island we are comprised of members from many traditions, and welcome all to our worship services, youth programs, events, and to share in our mission work.
When do we worship?
We welcome all at our worship services held on Sundays at 10am.
Blue Christmas Service of Remembrance & Hope, Dec. 20th @ 7pm
Christmas Eve Candlelight worship service, Dec. 24th @ 7pm

Vision Statement
We envision the Montauk Presbyterian Community Church as a Christ-centered congregation serving the spiritual needs of those who live and visit our hamlet at the eastern tip of Long Island. We are the Church on the Hill, nourished by the Holy Spirit in Word and Sacrament. We will focus on the formation of disciples and ministry with and among our community to be a spiritual beacon for those who gather on our shores. We will honor our name by remembering that we are a church that embraces a variety of styles, reflecting worship traditions that were brought here by our members from other places. We will continue to welcome those who bring new ideas as we bear in mind our past and the rich history we treasure.